Meggie Moments
Spread knowledge, cheer, & vino
This is Meg

Heyyy Everyone!

Welcome to my blog! I’m really excited to be starting this new adventure with all of you. I figured this is the best time to start, as we all have more down time on our hands.

I have been back and forth thinking what to write in my very first blog post and then get distracted by different things — like Dougie & Lucy wanting to play ball, signing up for a wine connoisseur class with eCornell, baking amazing gluten filled treats I can’t eat, binge watching shows on Netflix, eating the gluten filled treats, then working out so I don’t put on the COVID-19 lbs — I’m finally writing my first blog post!

I bet you are wondering what a blog named Meggie Moments would be about. Well, to everyone who knows me, they know this Meggie has many moments and why not share them with all of you for some LOLs, inspirational thoughts that turn into actions, healthy recipes pairing with wine (because we all secretly would love to be a wine connoisseur when going to a work dinner at a boujie restaurant), and personal experiences in my everyday life that you may say “me too”.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I thoroughly enjoy typing every word that would typically come out of my mouth if we were physically together right now.

What are you doing/planning on doing with all this extra free time?

Cheers to staying safe at home!

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4 Comments on “Heyyy Everyone!”

  • Yasssss girl!!! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Can’t wait for some nuggets and LOLs!

  • Yay! I am excited to read along on your Journey!

  • I feel like I haven’t been doing much and have been in a funk. Any suggestions?

    • Aw I’m bummed hearing this and would love to offer some ideas. We all seem to be stuck in one spot which doesn’t help our mental health so it’s great to get out and get some fresh air. I’ve turned to pulling out old games like Yahtzee or a puzzle to keep my mind sharp. Meditating is a great way reset yourself each morning or night so you start in the right mindset. I have so many more ideas which I will be doing a post on this week. I hope you find this helpful and keep staying positive!